Surmounting obstacles by arm maneuver for unmanned power shovel
Large debris created after natural disasters restrict access to inner parts of affected regions, and slows down disaster relief operations. Power shovels are often used to clear wreckage but the process can take a lot of time. Moreover, it is dangerous to involve human workers operating heavy machinery in such unstable conditions. To speedup access to inner areas, obstacles can be surmounted with the assistance of carefully maneuvered power shovel arm, instead of removing them. In this work, an autonomous obstacle surmounting technique for an unmanned power shovel is
proposed. Out of different sequences, the one that optimizes the total energy consumption is chosen as the best can- didate for surmounting a given step-like obstacle. Dynamic simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Each year many countries in the world are challenged by natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, tsu- namis, typhoons and so on. While these disasters can cause loss of life, they also generate large amounts of debris, which further reduces access to inner parts of the affected regions. This results in slowing down of search and rescue missions as well as other disaster relief opera- tions. Power shovels are used in disaster stricken areas to remove wreckage and to clear up roads. Neverthe- less, it is a dangerous task to involve human workers to operate such heavy machines in these conditions as there is chance of tip over of these machines due to instabil- ity. Moreover, it can take a lot of time to clear up all the obstacles and finally get access to inner areas.
In order to speed up disaster relief operations, large obstacles can be surmounted instead of clearing them. Using crawler wheels, power shovels have the ability to go over objects effectively compared to other vehi- cles. However, there exists several challenges to obsta- cle surmounting with power shovels as follows: only theobstacles that are within the climbing limit of the crawler can be overcome; crawler power can be easily saturated; power shovel can tip over and damage itself if not moved skillfully when it is on top of an obstacle; being heavy machines, power shovels are also difficult to get back to the original state at the event of tip over.
To overcome the aforementioned problems, a power shovel can maneuver its arm effectively to assist the obstacle surmount operation. In fact, such arm assistance is being used nowadays to load small power shovels to trucks for transportation. As can be seen on [1], it can be achieved only with great level of skill and competency. Considering this scenario as a starting point, this work presents an autonomous arm maneuver based obstacle surmounting method to overcome a step-like structure for an unmanned power shovel (Fig. 1). Among different maneuver sequences, the best maneuver is chosen based on the minimum total energy consumption. Further- more, a smooth trajectory of the machine is preferred to avoid any vibrations and jerk exerted on itself and on its surroundings.
Previous works on excavators can be found at [2–5]. Ref. [2] presents a dynamic model for an excavator with the intention of developing an automated excavation con- trol system for terrestrial, lunar, and planetary excavation. The kinematics of excavators having hydraulic actuatorsare investigated in detail in [3]. Ref. [4] mainly focuses on a system that completely automates the truck loading task. In that system the excavator’s software decides where to dig in the soil, where to dump in the truck, and how to quickly move between these points while detecting and stopping for obstacles. The nature of an excavation process and the way it may be controlled is investigated with the intention of automatic excavation in [5].
Among other related works, an autonomous stair- case climbing tracked mobile robot is introduced in [6]. However, it does not use any arms for assistance. Ref. [7] introduces a pilot system for a rescue robot to let a human operator suggest good directions to traverse on a 3D debris environment. In contrast, the proposed sys- tem seeks autonomous operation without any human intervention. Ref. [8] has proposed a wheeled robot with a movable center of mass (CoM) to ease the traverse over rough terrain. The proposed system also considers change of CoM, indirectly, by maneuvering its arm; how- ever, the main focus is on getting the reaction force at the bucket as a support to lift the power shovel crawler.
Fig. 1 Basic parts of a power shovel. The coordinate frame convention is X forward, Y left and Z up
X (forward)
boom joint
power shovel
bucket joint
axis of platform rotation
Z (up)
arm joint
Problem statement
Given a step-like obstacle, the power shovel should maneuver its arm to climb up the obstacle in a smooth trajectory. Also, it should carry out the maneuver in such a way that the total energy consumption is minimized. The whole process is to be automated so that the risk for the human workers is eliminated.
The basic parts of a power shovel are illustrated in Fig. 1; boom, arm and bucket are the main links considered,
while each link is attached to the previous link by boom- joint, arm-joint and bucket-joint, respectively. These joints are individually controlled to achieve different poses similar to a serial link robot manipulator. There is a rotating platform, which can rotate around its local z axis (vertical) so that the whole boom-arm-bucket composite can be moved to its front and back, symmetrically. The vehicle stands on a crawler that provides better mobility on unstructured terrain.
b stage 2
Fig. 2 Obstacle surmount stages. The power shovel with dotted lines depicts the initial state while the the one with the regular lines depicts the final state for each stage. P1, P2, P3 and αF denote the parameters of the total maneuver. B and E denote bucket and step edge positions respectively
initial pose of stage 2
Pb : bottom center position
final pose of stage 2
a stage 1
initial pose of stage 1
Pb : bottom center position
final pose of stage 1
In the proposed method the obstacle surmount operation is divided into two stages. In the 1st stage, the bucket is kept at the front of the power shovel and it provides the required reaction force to lift the front of the crawler to climb up the step-like structure; the rear of the crawler maintains contact with the ground level. This is illus- trated in Fig. 2a. After the 1st stage is completed, the platform rotates 180° to move the boom-arm-bucket composite to the back of the power shovel to initiate the 2nd stage. Similar to the 1st stage, the bucket provides the required reaction force to lift the rear of the crawler to complete the total surmount operation in the 2nd stage. This is illustrated in Fig. 2b. Throughout 1st and 2nd stages, the bucket maintains fixed ground position either by using friction force [1] or anchored by bucket teeth, which acts as a pivot for stable maneuver; the suit- able anchoring method can be chosen depending on the environment.
It can be observed that the CFSQP result compare well with the result obtained in the exhaustive slow batch simulation. In fact, CFSQP had captured the continuous nature of the objective function (energy) and as a result had been able to obtain the most energy efficient param- eters, which cannot be seized even when exhaustive batch simulations are run based on smaller parameter incre- ments. This is evident from CFSQP energy result being smaller than that of the exhaustive slow batch simulations. To make CFSQP running, a modification had to be included into the original algorithm. That is, when the gradient of the objective function is calculated by finite
Angle [deg]
difference approximation, the algorithm tends to use nearby points, which can even violate the given con- straints. This can make ODE crash due to ill-defined inputs. To overcome this problem, a large cost was injected when ill-defined points were tested.
The joint trajectories for boom, arm and bucket joints (Figs. 11, 12, 13) confirm that the joints undergo smooth transition. However, the discontinuity of each figure needs special mention. After the 1st stage has finished the platform rotates to the back of the power shovel to start the 2nd stage. It is assumed that this trivial operation can be done by constant energy and therefore omitted from the analysis for simplicity. As a result, a discontinuity can be seen due to the mismatch of final and initial joint posi- tions between sequence 1 and sequence 2–1.
The parameter P4 is considered to be constant in thesimulation. The only requirement for P4 is such that the power shovel should be able to maintain stability once it lifts the bucket after sequence 2–2 is completed. There- fore, as long as this requirement is fulfilled, P4 can be set to an empirical value and not be included in the optimi- zation process.
The open dynamics engine (ODE) [9] consists of two default solvers namely, (1) Dantzig’s Agorithm solver, and(2) Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR) Projected Gauss- Seidel (PGS) LCP solver. Dantzig’s Agorithm solver has been used in this work as it attempts to achieve anumerically exact solution, even though it is about one order of magnitude slower than SOR PGS LCP solver.
From Fig. 14, it can be observed that the joint tor- ques undergo certain transients at different stages. At the beginning of 1st stage, torque transients occur due to two reasons: (1) front of the crawler looses the contact with ground, and (2) internal forces generated when the bucket starts pushing the step or ground. A similar condition occurs at the beginning of the 2nd stage where the back of the crawler (however, seen as the front of the crawler due to platform rotation) starts moving upwards and looses contact with the ground. Another important observation is that the gravity terms (mass of each link) have dominated over other terms such as Coriolis, centripetal and inertial terms because of the relatively small joint velocities and accelerations.
As the first step of obstacle surmount operation a sim- ple step-like structure was chosen as the obstacle. How- ever, one should not forget that power shovels have the advantage of modifying the terrain using its arm and bucket. As a result, it can pave the unstructured terrain in front of it to shape it to a step-like structure using fast methods like bench cut method and employ the proposed method; totally modifying the terrain into a smooth slope would take a considerable amount of time, which negates the original purpose.
在其他相關的工作中,一種自動爬樓梯的履帶機器人被引入[6]。但是,它不使用任何武器援助。參考文獻[7]介紹了一種救援機器人的試驗系統,該系統允許人類操作員在三維碎片環境中提出正確的方向。相比之下,擬議的sys- tem則尋求無需人工干預的自動操作。參考文獻[8]提出了一種可移動的質心(CoM)的輪式機器人,以方便在崎嶇的地形上行走。擬議的系統也考慮通過操縱它的手臂來間接地改變CoM;如何-永遠,主要的焦點是在桶中得到反應力作為支撐來舉起動力鏟履帶。
Fig. 1 Basic parts of a power shovel. The coordinate frame convention is X forward, Y left and Z up
X (forward)
boom joint
power shovel
bucket joint
axis of platform rotation
Z (up)
arm joint
b stage 2
Fig. 2 Obstacle surmount stages. The power shovel with dotted lines depicts the initial state while the the one with the regular lines depicts the final state for each stage. P1, P2, P3 and αF denote the parameters of the total maneuver. B and E denote bucket and step edge positions respectively
initial pose of stage 2
Pb : bottom center position
final pose of stage 2
a stage 1
initial pose of stage 1
Pb : bottom center position
final pose of stage 1
可以看出,CFSQP結果與完全慢批量模擬得到的結果比較好。事實上,CFSQP已經捕獲了目標函數(能量)的連續性質,因此能夠獲得最高效的param- eters,即使在基于較小參數的情況下,也不能被捕獲。從CFSQP的能量結果來看,這是明顯的,比徹底的慢批量模擬的結果要小。為了使CFSQP運行,必須將修改包含到原始算法中。也就是說,當目標函數的梯度是有限的。
open dynamics engine (ODE)[9]包括兩個默認求解器,即(1)Dantzig的agm solver。
(2)連續超松弛(SOR)投影高斯- Seidel (PGS) LCP求解器。在這個工作中,Dantzig的agm solver已經被用于實現a。
數值精確解,即使它大約是一個數量級的慢于或PGS LCP求解器。
在軌跡規劃中采用簡單的高階多項式,因為它簡單易用,沒有遇到任何問題。然而,spline(分段連續多項式)在軌跡規劃中得到了popu- larity,作者希望通過將簡單的多項式在未來改變為樣條函數來觀察其改進。