A CAE-integrated distributed collaborative design system for finite elementanalysis of complex product based on SOOAJiaqing Yua,b,*,Jianzhong Chaa,Yiping Lua,Wensheng Xua,M.SobolewskibaSchool of Mechanical,Electronic and Control Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,ChinabComputer Science Department,Texas Tech University,Lubbock,Texas 79409,USAa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 23 January 2009Received in revised form 5 October 2009Accepted 24 November 2009Available online 23 December 2009Keywords:Collaborative designService object-oriented architecture(SOOA)Distributed CAE resourcesa b s t r a c tLarge-scale finite element analysis of complex product needs a wider support from external CAEresources.This paper proposes a method of the distributed concurrent and collaborative design in thedistributed intelligent resources environment to use Web-based extended manufacturing resources forproduct development.The CAE-integrated distributed collaborative design system architecture andenabling techniques are presented.Distributed CAE service resources on the Internet are achievedthrough JiniTMand service object-oriented architecture technologies.These CAE software tool resourcesare encapsulated as service providers in the system.A case study of railway bogie development is pre-sented,and the Pro/E,HyperMesh,Ansys and HumanExpert service providers dynamically invoked andintegrated as a temporary service federated environment with no need to know the exact location of aprovider beforehand,flexibility can be well achieved,and collaborative design in the system can beimplemented in the distributed dynamic environment.Compared with the traditional design system,some preliminary results indicate this architecture can shorten the cycle of service exchange,andstrongly support concurrent and collaborative design of the complex product.?2009 Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionOwing to the continuously increasing possibilities provided byrelated technologies and their wider application,todays productsare becoming more and more complex both from technical andmanagerial standpoints 13.Products or services to be developed(the deliverable)with complexity in their formations are calledcomplex products,such as launch vehicles,robots,ships,railwaylocomotives and airplanes,automobiles,weaponry systems.Com-plexity is the opposite of simplicity and is characterized by numberof parts,number of part types,number of interconnections andinterfaces,and finally by number of functions 4,5.The mainfeature of complexity is structural uncertainty,viewed in termsof differentiation and interdependence 6.Complexity is definedby the number of parts and variants in a module 5,7,the typeof interaction between elements 8,interactions among subsys-tems 9,integrated design 10,high coupling between severaldifferent technologies and integrated architecture 11.Generally,the development process of complex product inessence not only considers the distributed intelligent resourcesenvironment and the concurrent design process in the entire lifecycle of the manufacturing and assembly,but also the integratedconcurrent and collaborative design in the mechanical,control,dynamics,etc.Traditionally a large design team will be engaged,the communication and collaboration among members are signifi-cant to enable design task of complex product to be carried outeffectively.However,the conventional product design,which is usually or-ganized within a laboratory or enterprise due to being geographi-cally limited and isolated Computer Aided Engineering(CAE)systems,cannot meet the customers growing diversified demandsof complex products.One side,much higher quality is strong de-mand on condition that these products should be developed inthe same or even shorter life periods of time.While simulta-neously,for the development contains interconnection,sufficientcommunication and interfaces,managerial issues arises 12.In order to tackle managerial issues and transact complex prod-uct in possibly multi-disciplinary design and geographically dis-persed resources environments,design and analysis of product isconsidered to divide into separate,in most cases,concurrentdesign phases,and apply a distributed development approach1317.Concurrent engineering,collaborative design and theoptimization theory in the multi-disciplinary design are poppingup in this area.Similarly,for the cross-sector,cross-region andcross-country alliance of virtual enterprises develop quickly,thedesign and develop environment has changed a lot,and manydesigns for complex product have to be collaboratively completed0965-9978/$-see front matter?2009 Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.advengsoft.2009.11.006*Corresponding author.Address:School of Mechanical,Electronic and ControlEngineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China.Tel.:+86 01051467594;fax:+86 010 51688253.E-mail address:(J.Yu).Advances in Engineering Software 41(2010)590603Contents lists available at ScienceDirectAdvances in Engineering Softwarejournal homepage: the product design staff and the other related staff in differentplaces.Then the distributed collaborative design technology cameinto being and extensive research and development works havealso been carried out 1821.Another issue is that the distribution and utilization of manu-facturing resources are relatively unbalanced in China.There area considerable amount of underutilized manufacturing resourcesin the scientific research institutions,universities and large enter-prises 22.A challenging issue on networked manufacturingresource services is how to discover these socialized manufactur-ing resources and provide the effective resource support services22,23.Now the rapid development of the Internet technology enlargesthe variety and scale of manufacturing resources available 22,and still enables global networked manufacturing resource ser-vices to be unprecedented access and optimized configuration2226.Future CAE systems are moving towards supporting dis-tributed and collaborative design,in which geographically dis-persed systems can be integrated and a virtual design team canbe set up within an Internet/Intranet environment 27.Developedby Dassault Systmes,CATIA(Computer Aided Tri-dimensionalInterface Application)is designed to optimize all stages of the pro-duction life cycle and offers the most comprehensive applicationsportfolio available in a single system,aiming to maximize concur-rent product development practices and process re-engineering28.As an industrial application example,CATIA for IndustrialEquipment offers a secured collaborative environment that isaccessible throughout the supply chain.This enables you to shareand transfer the most up-to-date information and work concur-rently,harmonizing the work environment even further.In recent years,the software crisis”prompted the beginningsof software engineering,and the appearance of Web servicesdevelopmentsandstandardssupportingautomatedbusinessintegration has impelled core technology advancements in theintegration software space,most notably,the service-orientedarchitecture(SOA)2932.The purpose of SOA is to address therequirements of loosely coupled,standards-based,and protocol-independent distributed computing,mapping enterprise informa-tion systems(EIS)appropriately to the overall business processflow 33,34.SOA is designed to enable developers to conquermany distributed enterprise computing challenges including appli-cation integration,transaction management,security policies,while allowing multiple platforms and protocols and leveragingnumerous access devices and legacy systems 35.The driving goalof SOA is to eliminate these barriers so that applications integrateand run seamlessly.In this paper,a CAE-integrated distributed collaborative designsystem(CAEi-DCDS)based on SOA is proposed to automatically orsemi-automatically accomplish finite element analysis of complexproduct.By CAEi-DCDS,various engineering software tools andutilities can be easily integrated as loosely coupled services thatcan form a temporary dynamic service federation for a specificdesign process while being requested.The CAEi-DCDS providesreusability,scalability,reliability,and efficiency that can beachieved by the service-oriented programming 36 and relevantdynamic service object-oriented architectures(SOOA)infrastruc-ture 37.In particular,we concern on the underlying enablingtechnologies and implementation finite element analysis of com-plex product in the Web-based CAE resource services environmenton the basis of the state-of-art of related research.Note that in thispaper,the scope is CAE-oriented,though other engineering soft-ware tools,such as Computer Aided Design(CAD),Computer AidedManufacture(CAM),Computer Aided Process Planning(CAPP),Product Data Management(PDA),Design for Assembly(DFA),De-sign for Manufacturing(DFM),system simulation,etc.,can alsobe integrated as services into CAEi-DCDS.The main contribution of our work is summarized as the fouraspects.Firstly,this paper defines the concept of distributed con-current and collaborative design(DCCD)for complex productdevelopment in accordance with the theory of the optimizationtheory in the multidisciplinary collaborative design.Secondly,thispaper provides an integration system to link various CAE tools anda means to invoke these software resources remotely at runtimebased on the SORCER infrastructure 36,38.Thirdly,CAEi-DCDSmay dynamically organize the software resources and provide atemporary service federated environment for different exertions37,so the CAE software resources can dynamically participatein different project jobs.Fourthly,an application case of the staticstress analysis of railway bogies is developed and indicates the reli-ability and efficiency of CAE-integrated distributed collaborativedesign system for complex product development.Following Section 1,this paper is structured as follows.In Sec-tion 2,the related work is investigated and summarized.Systemrequirements are taken into account as viewed from the systemdevelopment in Section 3.In Section 4 discusses the solutions toachieve the above requirements on the proposed system.Section5 outlines the system framework and functions.Section 6 demon-strates an application case of the proposed prototype system forrailway bogies.Section 7 summarizes the paper.2.Related work2.1.Collaborative designWhen a product is designed through the collective and joint ef-forts of many designers,the design process may be called collabo-rative design,or co-operative design,distributed concurrent designand inter-disciplinary design 18.The research for the distributedcollaborative design started in the 1990s,and Cutkosty from theDesign Institute of Stanford University firstly began the researchin this area 39.In 1990,National Institute of Standards and Tech-nology invested 21.5 million dollars for a develop team in a projectcalled Federated Intelligent Product Environment(FIPER)planningto exploit a collaborative supported work environment architec-ture in five years.General Electric Company successfully foundgood application of FIPER to develop the American key weaponequipment 37,40.Various distributed collaborative applications have been devel-oped for different engineering domains in various system architec-tures.There are Web-based open architecture of product datamanagement 41,the architecture of a software distributed col-laborative exploitation environment 42,distributed collaborativeproduct customization system based on Web3D,which providesdistributed collaborative product customization for product usersin a virtual environment 43,Intelligence Concurrent Design Sys-tem under network aimed at the application actuality of CAD sys-tem in corporation 44.The architectures of these systems can be generally groupedinto two categories,i.e.,client/server(C/S)45,46 and peer-to-peer(P2P)47.In C/S architecture,the server plays as an information agent andbroadcast CAD model and commands generated by one client toother clients 4851,or the geometric kernel is in the server sideand the commands are passed from client to the server to carry outthe modeling activities 52,53.A server plays as an informationexchanger to broadcast CAD files or commands generated by aclient to other clients during a collaborative design process 54.CollaCADTMis developed 55 and a thin/strong representation inclient/server has been proposed to enhance the performance ofthe system effectively 56,such as Alibre DesignTM53,and otherdeveloped systems 5658.A network-centric feature-basedJ.Yu et al./Advances in Engineering Software 41(2010)590603591virtual prototyping system in a distributed computing architecturewas proposed 59.In C/S architecture,the distributed collaborative design systemuses Internet and Web technology as a medium to share data,information and knowledge 60,61,and with a Web-based prob-lem-solving environment distributed modeling and simulationusing CAE technologies was reported 62.A comprehensive reviewof some Web-based tools and systems can be found in 21,63.Inmost Web-based collaborative design systems,Java and CORBAare used to develop them 6466,some others are developedusing Common Lisp(WWDL 67),Prolog(Web CADET 68),Acti-veX 69,70 and VRML 66,67.The translation of terminologyamong disciplines,locating/providing engineering analysis ser-vices,virtual prototyping services,and project management maybe coordinated 7173.P2P architecture supports the sharing and manipulation of ser-vices like Inventor collaborative toolTM7476 and RDF 77.P2Parchitecture is widely used in agent-based system 7881,such asPACT 82,SHARE 83,SINE 84,DIDE 85,ICM 86,A-Design87,system interoperability 88,process coordination 89,knowledge collaboration 90,and conflict management 91.Adistributed collaborative design framework is presented with a hy-brid of grid and P2P technology 92.However,in a distributed environment,an agent system typi-cally has some pitfalls:lack of scalability,robustness and security93.Hence,integration of Web and agent technologies for collab-orative design has been carried out 94100.A comprehensive review of the R&D literature on computersupported collaborative design(CSCD)can be found in 101,fromthe pre-CSCD technologies of the 1980s to todays state-of-the-artCSCD.2.2.Grid computingThe term Grid”was created to express a proposed distributedcyberinfrastructure”for advanced science and engineering 102,which is now understood to refer to technologies and infrastruc-ture that enable coordinated resource sharing and problem solvingin dynamic,multi-institutional virtual organizations 103.TheGlobus Toolkit is a community-based,open-architecture,open-source set of services and software libraries that support Gridsand Grid applications 102,104,and considerable progress hassince been made on the construction using the Globus Toolkit105110.The term grid computing”originated in the early 1990s as ametaphor for accessing computer power as easy as an electricpower grid 111.Grid computing stands for the new kind of sys-tems that combine heterogeneous computational resources con-nected by the Internet and make them available to a wide usercommunity 112.Today there are many definitions of grid com-puting with a varying focus on architectures,resource manage-ment,access,virtualization,provisioning,and sharing betweenheterogeneous computer domains.Thus,diverse computer re-sources across different administrative domains form a grid forthe shared and coordinated use of resources in dynamic,distrib-uted,and virtual computing organizations 113.Therefore,thegrid requires a platform that describes some sort of frameworkto allow software to run utilizing virtual organizations.These orga-nizations are dynamic subsets of departmental grids,enterprisegrids,and global grids,which allow programs to use shared re-sourcescollaborative federations.Software users typically install and run programs on a local ma-chine in a traditional computing environment,which requiresdevelopers to create and maintain versions of their software forthe different platforms and update their local installations as thesoftware is updated 114.But applications,systems and othercomputing resources are abstracted into services in a grid comput-ing environment 113,which allows users to invoke services onlocal or remote hosts without concerning themselves with the de-tails of how such services are implemented.Any computationalgrid must include the capability to invoke codes remotely,andfacilitate resource sharing,which can also reduce the cost of com-puting resources.The Fusion Grid Monitor(FGM)is used to monitor the status ofservices as well as the status of individual code runs 115.2.3.SOOAA service is a well defined,coarse-grained,discoverable,andself-contained software entity that interacts with applicationsand other services through a loosely coupled,synchronous or asyn-chronous,message-based communication model 116118.Ser-vice-oriented architecture(SOA)is a collection of services withwell-defined interfaces,implementation and a shared communica-tions model 31,119,and is also an emerging approach that ad-dresses the requirements of loosely coupled,standards-based,and protocol-independent distributed computing 33.Nowadays SOA becomes the leading architectural approach tomost Grid developments.Different from the clientserver architec-ture,which separates a client from a server,SOA introduces a thirdcomponent,a service registry,using which service providers andrequestors are made available as independent service componentsthat can be accessed without a priori knowledge of their underly-ing platform or implementation.In SOA,the service provider de-ploys a service on the network,publishes its available service toone or more registries.Then the service registries intercept theseannouncements and add published services.By sending queriesto registries,the service requestor looks up a service,makes selec-tion from the available services,and binds and executes theservice.Discovery and join protocols are used between the service pro-viders and requestors to locate registries and then publish or ac-quire services on the network.According to whether the communication protocol betweenservice requestor and service provider is a fixed standard protocolor not,SOA can be divided into two different major types:serviceprotocol oriented architectures(SPOA)and SOOA 37,120.In SPOA,the communication protocol is fixed and generic stan-dard(e.g.,SOAP in Web/Globus services,IIOP in CORBA 121)andknown beforehand by the provider and requestor.A requestor canuse this protocol and a service description obtained from a serviceregistry to create a proxy for binding to the service provider and forremotecommunicationoverthe fixedprotocol.Because thereques-tor and provider usually do need to know the explicitlocation of theservice registrye.g.,a URL for RMI registry,a URL for UDDI regis-tryto open a static connection and find or register a service,thisis referred to as a bind operation.Thus,the fixed and generic proto-col,which is reduced to a common denominator(one size fits all),usually leads to inefficient network communication.While in SOOA,a proxy,an object implementing the same ser-vice interfaces as its service provider,is created and always ownedby the service provider and it is always ready for use by requestors.The service provider publishes the proxy as the active surrogateobject with a codebase annotation,e.g.,URLs to the code definingproxy behavior(RMI and JiniTMERI 122).The proxys requestordoes not need to know who implements the interface or how itis implemented,and can also communicate with multiple provid-ers on the network regardless of who originally registered theproxy.Communication protocols are neutral 123,and may vary.Each provider can decide on the most efficient protocol(s)neededfor a particular distributed application and a single smart proxycan talk over multiple protocols including application s