1、,COST OF UALITY,品 質 成 本,Q,Poor Quality,Poor Business!,品質差,生意差!,It is a time bomb waiting to,Explode!,COQ高,是一顆等待爆炸的定時炸彈!,IF COQ high,如果,COQ,高,Why?,Hidden failure cost,隱藏的失效本錢,Commonly measured,failure cost,通常量度的失效本錢,True,Failure,Costs,真正的失效本錢,Scrap,報廢,Rework,翻工,Warranty,保證,Engineering time,工程設計時間,Man
2、agement time,管理時間,Shop and field downtime,工場壞機時間,Increased inventory,增加存貨,Decreased capacity,削弱生產能力,Delivery problems,交貨問題,Lost orders,訂單減損,Commonly measured failure cost is only the tip of the True Failure Costs.,通常量度的失效本錢只是真正失效本錢中的冰山一角。,Quality cost is a measure of the achievement and non achievem
3、ent of product quality.,Tip of the Ice Berg,冰山一角,Why?,The Cost Pyramid 本錢金字塔,Process Control,工藝控制,Inspection,檢 查,Field Service,服 務,Design,設計,Cost of Quality,QFD,SPC,DOE,Why?,Money spend to fix,an issue at different,stages:,不同階段修正某個問,題所花的金錢:,Design:1$,設計:1$,Production:100$,生產,:100$,Customer:1000$,到客戶
4、手中,:1000$,Resultant Cost 結果本錢 =Failure Cost 失效本錢,Defect Cost 次品本錢.,Controllable Cost 可控本錢=Prevention and Appraisal Cost.預防和評估本錢.,Poor Quality is Poor Business,品質差即是生意差,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,Controllable Effort,Cost,Total Cost,總本錢,Controllable,Cost可控本錢,Resultant Cost,結果本錢,A,Low,High,Why?,Effect of Good
5、 Preventive Activities,良好的預防活動產生的效果,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,Controllable Effort,Cost,A,B,Old Total,舊的總本錢,Controllable,Cost,可控本錢,Resultant Cost,結果本錢,Low,High,New Tota,新的總本錢,l,Good Preventive activities usually begin at front end of process,with better effect on resultant cost.,良好的預防活動通常開始于工序前沿,對結果本錢產生較好的
6、影響。,Why?,Taguchi Quality Loss Function(QLF),Taguchi,品質損失運算(,QLF),We cannot reduce cost without affecting quality.我們不能削減本錢而不影響品質,We can improve quality without increasing cost.我們可以不增加本錢而改善品質.,We can reduce cost by improving quality.我們可以通過改善品質而降低本錢.,We can reduce cost by reducing variations.我們可以通過減少差異
7、而降低本錢.,Taguchi QLF strive for minimal variation around target values without adding cost.,He defines loss as“the lost imparted to society from the time the product is shipped,this loss includes,Taguchi QLF 努力達致接近目標值的最小差異而不增加本錢。,他將損失定為:“從產品裝運時流失的那局部損失“這種損失包括:,customer dissatisfaction,客戶不滿意,added warr
8、anty cost to the producer,生產商增加擔保本錢,loss due the companys bad reputation,公司信譽惡劣引致的損失,which would lead to eventual loss of market share.,這種損失終將導致市場份額的喪失。,Why?,Taguchi Quality Loss Function(QLF),Taguchi,品質,損失運算,(,QLF),Quality cost are usually quantified in terms of tangible cost such as rework and scr
9、ap cost,and customer warranty.These losses constitute only the tip of the iceberg.,品質本錢通常以有形本錢如翻工,報廢,給客戶提供擔保等等而被量化,這些損失只是冰山一角。,What about the intangible costs such as management/engineering time,inventory,customer,dissatisfaction,and loss market share?,那些無形的本錢代價如管理/設計時間,存貨,客戶的失望,市場份額損失等,又怎樣呢?,QLF is
10、 a method used to approximate these hidden and long term losses.QLF 是用于估算這些隱藏的而且是長期損失的方法。,Why?,Taguchi Quality Loss Function(QLF),Taguchi,品質損失,運,算,(,QLF),The way QLF is established depends on the type of quality characteristics involved.A quality characteristics is whatever we measure to judge perfo
11、rmance(quality).,QLF的建立有賴于有關的品質特性。,品質特性是用來判斷性能(品質)而進行的一切量度。,There are five types of quality characteristics.,有五種品質特性.,Nominal the best.Achieving a desired target value with minimal variations,such as,dimensions&output voltage.,名義上的最好 達致理想的目標值,差異最小,如尺寸和輸出電壓。,Smaller the better.Minimizing a response,s
12、uch as shrinkage and wear.,越小越好 如收縮和磨損,Larger the better.Maximizing a response,such as pull off force and tensile strength.,越大越好 如拉力和張力,Attribute.Classifying and/or counting data,such as appearance.,屬性澄清并且/或者清點數據,如外觀,Dynamic.Response varies depending on input,such as a fan drive speed,should vary wi
13、th engine temperature.,動態 回復有賴於輸入,如風扇的變速必須根據引擎溫度而變化。,Why?,Taguchi Quality Loss Function(QLF),Taguchi,品質,損失運算,(,QLF,Value of quality characteristics,品質,特性值,Loss$,y,L=k(y-T),L =Loss in$s以美元計的損失,k =Cost coefficient 本錢系數,y =Value of quality characteristics 品質特性值,T =Target value.目標值,LSL,USL,Why?,Basic Pr
14、emises for Quality Cost:,品質本錢根本前提:,1.It is less expensive to prevent rather than detect nonconformity,預防比檢測更省錢。,2.Process and product performance can be appraised(measured),工序和產品性能可以評估(量度),3.The causes for nonconformance can be identified and their effects can be reduced or eliminated,產品不符的原因可以確認,其影
15、響可以減小或消除,Why?,Why Examine the Cost of Quality?,為何要審視品質本錢?,1.Get management attention引起管理層的關注,2.Change the way employee think about errors,改變雇員看待錯誤的方法,3.Provide better return on the quality improvement program,提供更好的回報,4.Provide a tool to measure impact of corrective actions,為改正行動提供量度的工具,5.Provide a t
16、ool to measure the impact of poor-quality on profits,為惡劣品質對利潤的影響提供量度的工具,Why?,Prevention,Scrap,預,防,報,廢,1.Prevention Cost預防本錢,-Cost of all activities specifically designed to prevent poor quality in products.,專門設計用于防止產品惡劣品質的一切活動本錢。,2.Appraisal Costs.評估本錢,-Cost associated with measuring,evaluating or auditing products to ensure,conformance to quality standards.,為確保符合品質標準所進行的與產品量度、評估或審核等有關的本錢。,3.Internal Failure Costs.內部失效本錢,-Failure costs occurring prior to delivery or shipment of the product.,在產品交