1、,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,,,*,TCM Translation,Theory,,中醫英語翻譯理論,,,TCM Translation Theory 中醫英語翻譯理,1,1 中醫翻譯概論,1.1 仿造,翻譯 SL 的無等值詞匯時,用 TL 中的直接對應詞代換無等值詞匯的組成部分 (詞素 / 詞),借用英語中已有的相關單詞來表達中醫學特有的概念,肝血,liver blood,血虛,blood deficiency,活血化瘀,activating blood to resolve stagnation,,,
2、1 中醫翻譯概論1.1 仿造,2,1 中醫翻譯概論,1.1 仿造,句子層次的翻譯也能運用仿造法,從陰陽翻則生,逆之翻則死。,Following (the law of) yin and yang ensures life, while violating it leads to death.,陰虛翻則熱,陽虛翻則寒。,Deficiency of yin generates heat and deficiency of yang produces cold.,,,1 中醫翻譯概論1.1 仿造,3,1 中醫翻譯概論,1.2 定義化,中醫術語高度凝煉,難以用同樣長短的英語表達清楚,翻譯往往以解釋、定
3、義方式進行,辨證論治,diagnosis and treatment based on the overall analysis of symptoms and signs,虛脹,Flatulence due to yang-deficiency of the spleen and kidney,,,1 中醫翻譯概論1.2 定義化,4,1 中醫翻譯概論,1.2 定義化,缺點,簡潔變冗長,違反科技術語翻譯、使用的原翻則,和語境難以配合,有礙中醫術語英譯邁向規范,簡化,處理,辨證論治,treatment based on syndrome differentiation,,(Li),identif
4、ying patterns and determining treatment,,(,Wiseman,),虛,脹,deficiency-flatulence,vacuity distension,,,1 中醫翻譯概論1.2 定義化,5,1 中醫翻譯概論,1.3 詞義分化,同一中醫術語在不同語境下,可以有不同涵義 (一詞多義 polysemy),同一概念也可用不同術語表達 (同義詞 synonymy),虛,asthenia, deficiency, insufficiency, weakness, debility, hypofunction……,,,1 中醫翻譯概論1.3 詞義分化,6,1 中
5、醫翻譯概論,1.3 詞義分化,脾虛,asthenia of the spleen,(Li),spleen vacuity,(Wiseman),spleen deficiency,(WHO draft)*,脾虛水泛,hypofunction of the spleen*,(Li),體虛,weakness / debility,,,1 中醫翻譯概論1.3 詞義分化,7,1 中醫翻譯概論,1.3 詞義分化,必須,考慮語境,a) 腎藏精,精舍志。,「精」指精氣,The kidney stores essence and the essence maintains activities.,b),,精,1
6、,傷翻則骨痠痿厥,,精,2,時自下。,「,精,1,」指「,腎精,」; 「,精,2,」指「,精液,」,The damage of the kidney,essence,causes aching and flaccidity of the bones as well as cold sensation in the limbs, which will further leads to frequent,seminal,emission.,,,1 中醫翻譯概論1.3 詞義分化,8,1 中醫翻譯概論,1.3 詞義分化,(續),必須考慮語境,c) 脈理,精,微,其體難辨。,「,精,」指「,精深,」,T
7、he theory of pulse is very,profound,and the conditions of pulse are difficult to differentiate.,,,1 中醫翻譯概論1.3 詞義分化 (續),9,1 中醫翻譯概論,1.4 拼音化,當英語無法表達中醫特有概念時,用拼音翻譯,氣,Vital energy *,Qi,動筆! which term(s) should be phonetically transcribed?,四氣五味,four properties and five tastes,(Li),four natures and five fla
8、vors,(Wiseman),滋陰降火,nourishing yin to reduce fire,enriching yin and downbearing fire,,,1 中醫翻譯概論1.4 拼音化,10,2 中醫翻譯的困難,2.1 詞匯缺口 (lexical gap),翻譯人員各有不同考慮、偏好,五行,fi,ve elements, five phases,,wuxing,命門,gate of life, vital gate, vitaport,,mingmen,三焦,three warmers, triple burners, three heaters, triple energ
9、izers,,sanjiao,五臟,five solid organs, five bowels, five zang-organs, five zang-visceras,,wuzang,,,2 中醫翻譯的困難2.1 詞匯缺口 (lexical gap,11,2 中醫翻譯的困難,2.2 理解偏差,歷時、文化因素,使得術語理解困難,失笑散,Powder for Lost Smiles*,Sudden Smile Powder,黃帝內經,Yellow Emperor’s Internal Medicine *,(Huangdi’s) Canon of Medicine,Huangdi’s Cla
10、ssics on Medicine,Huangdi’s Internal Classic,Huangdi,,Neijing,,,2 中醫翻譯的困難2.2 理解偏差,12,2 中醫翻譯的困難,重要經典譯名舉隅,,素問,Plain Questions,,Elementary Questions,靈樞,Miraculous Pivot, Pivotal Axis,,Magic Pivot,類經,Systematic Compilation of the Internal Classic,,Classified Canon,難經,Difficult Classic*, Classic on Medic
11、al Problems*,Classic of Difficult Issues,傷寒雜病論,Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases,On Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases,金匱要略,Synopsis of Golden Chamber,Important Strategies from the Golden Chest,Essential Prescription of the Golden Coffer,,,2 中醫翻譯的困難重要經典譯名舉隅素問Plain Quest,13,2 中醫翻譯的困難
12、,重要經典譯名舉隅,,神農本草經,Shen Nong’s Herbal, The Herbal,The Canon on Medicinal Herbs,Divine Husbandman’s Herbal Foundation Canon,本草綱目,Compendium of Materia Medica,Comprehensive Herbal Foundation,本草備要,Essentials of Materia Medica,Essential Herbal Foundation,瀕湖脈學,The Pulse Studies of Bin-hu,Bin-hu Sphygmology
13、,,,2 中醫翻譯的困難重要經典譯名舉隅神農本草經Shen Non,14,2 中醫翻譯的困難,重要經典譯名舉隅,(續),,太平惠民和劑局方,Formularies of the Bureau of People’s Welfare Pharmacies,Standard Formularies of the Pharmacy for People’s Welfare in Taiping Reign-Period,Formulas of the Tai Ping Imperial Grace Pharmacy,湯頭歌訣,Recipes in Rhymes,溫病條辨,Detailed Analy
14、sis of Epidemic Febrile Diseases,An Analysis on Warm Diseases,Systematized Identification of Warms Diseases,,,2 中醫翻譯的困難重要經典譯名舉隅 (續)太平惠民和劑局方F,15,2 中醫翻譯的困難,重要經典譯名舉隅,(續),,時病論,On Seasonal Diseases,傅青主女科,Fu Qing-zhu’s Obstetrics and Gynecology,洗冤集錄,Instruction to Coroners,Records of Redressing Wronged Ca
15、ses,外臺祕要,Medical Secrets of an Official *,Secret Prescriptions Collected when Off-Duty *,Essential Secrets from Outside the Metropolis *,Essential Secrets from the Imperial Library,,,2 中醫翻譯的困難重要經典譯名舉隅 (續)時病論On Sea,16,3 中醫翻譯實踐,3.1 借用西醫術語,動筆!,心悸,便秘,便溏,遺尿,黃疸,納呆,,,palpitation,constipation,loose / sloppy
16、 stool,enuresis / incontinence*,jaundice,anorexia*, poor appetite,/,torpid intake,,,3 中醫翻譯實踐3.1 借用西醫術語,17,3 中醫翻譯實踐,3.2 直譯,動筆!,陽化氣,陰中之陰,木生火,抑木扶土,補母瀉子 *,心開竅於舌,脾主運化 *,肺主氣司呼吸,,yang transforming into qi,yin within yin,wood generates/generating fire,inhibiting wood to strengthen earth,supplementing mother
17、-organ and draining child organ,heart opens into the tongue,the spleen governs transportation / movement and transformation,the lung governs qi and manages respiration,,,3 中醫翻譯實踐3.2 直譯yang transformin,18,3 中醫翻譯實踐,3.2 直譯,動筆!,陰陽失調,脾失健運,肝不藏血,胃失和降,腎陽不足,yin-yang disharmony,/,imbalance between yin and yan
18、g,spleen failing to move and transform,/,dysfunction of spleen; failure of spleen in transportation,liver failing to store blood /,,inability of the liver to store blood,impaired harmonious downbearing of the stomach,/,failure of gastric qi to descend,insufficiency of kidney yang,/,insufficiency of
19、renal yang,,,3 中醫翻譯實踐3.2 直譯yin-yang disharm,19,3 中醫翻譯實踐,3.3 意譯,「天行赤眼」,acute contagious conjunctivitis,vs.,heaven-current red eye,「纏腰火丹」,herpes zoster around the waist,vs.,girdling fire cinnabar,「子盜母氣」,child-organ disorder involving its mother organ,vs.,child steals the mother’s qi,,,3 中醫翻譯實踐3.3 意譯,2
20、0,3 中醫翻譯實踐,3.4 音意結合,元氣,primordial qi, original qi, congenital qi,正氣,healthy qi, right qi, genuine qi, vital qi,宗氣,pectoral qi, thoracic qi, ancestral qi,中氣,gastrosplenic qi*,,middle qi, center qi,營氣,nutrient qi, construction qi,腎氣,kidney-qi,,renal qi*,,,3 中醫翻譯實踐3.4 音意結合,21,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanj
21、iao),三焦,是中醫學臟腑學說中一個特有的名詞。,The term, triple warmer, is peculiar to,TCM,.,三焦是上焦、中焦、下焦的合稱,為六腑之一。,It is a collective name of the upper, middle and lower warmer and is one of the six bowels.,關於三焦的型態與實質,中醫界眾說紛紜,至今尚無定論。,In the field of TCM, no unanimous conclusion has been drawn about the,form and crux,of
22、the triple warmer.,,,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),22,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),一般認為,,三焦,是包羅人體所有內臟的一個大臟,,It is generally recognized that “,triple warmer,” is a large bowel containing all the internal organs.,如明?張介賓說:「三焦者,確有一,腑,,蓋,臟腑,之外,軀殼之內,包羅諸臟,一腔之大腑也。」,For instance, Zhang Jiebin, a medical m
23、an in the Ming dynasty, said, “Triple warmer is, in fact, a bowel. It is outside all the,viscera,and,bowels,but within the body, contains all the other organs and is the largest bowel within the body cavity.”,,,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),23,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),在中醫理論中,三焦也是劃分軀體部位的一個概念。,
24、In the theory of TCM the term “triple warmer” is also used to locate the body parts.,即膈以上的部位為上焦,包括心、肺;膈以下、,臍,以上的部位為中焦,包括脾、胃;臍以下為下焦,包括肝、腎、大小腸、膀胱、女子胞等。,The upper warmer is the portion of the body cavity above the diaphragm which houses the heart and the lung. The middle warmer is the portion between t
25、he diaphragm and,umbilicus,(navel),which houses the spleen and the stomach. The lower warmer is the portion below the umbilicus which houses the liver, the kidney, the urinary bladder, the intestines and the uterus.,,,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),24,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),其中肝臟,按其部位來說,應,歸劃中
26、焦。,According to the liver’s location, it can be clearly seen that the liver is an organ within the middle warmer.,但中醫認為,肝腎,同源,,關係密切,故將肝腎同劃歸下焦。,But it is said that the liver is an organ within the lower warmer. Why? Because TCM believes that the liver and the kidney have,the same source (a common sou
27、rce),and a close relationship, thus puts the liver into the lower warmer,(together with the kidney).,,,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),25,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),三焦的生理功能,總的來說,是總,司,人體,氣化,。,Generally speaking, the physiological functions of triple warmer,control,the activities of the,qi,of the h
28、uman body.,分開來說,上焦主呼吸、主,宣發,(實指心、肺的功能),即把積於胸中的「氣」,宣布,、,布達,全身,,若霧露之溉,,故稱「,上焦如霧,」;,The upper warmer controls respiration, and,activates the flow of vital energy, blood and body fluid,(referring to, in fact, the functions of the heart and lung), i.e., it,disperses,pectoral,qi,accumulated in the chest to
29、 all parts of the body,just as fog and dew moisten the earth,. This is why TCM says that “,The upper warmer is like a sprinkler for distributing nutrients and qi,.”,,,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),26,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),動筆!,中焦主,運,(實指脾、胃的功能),即腐熟水谷,,運化精微,,,以化氣血,,故喻之為「,中焦如漚,」;,The middle wa
30、rmer functions in,transportation and transformation,(referring to in fact, the functions of the spleen and stomach), i.e. it ferments water and food and,transports and transforms food essence,in order to,produce vital energy and blood,. Therefore, it is likened to a,fermentation tun,, where food is
31、digested.,,,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),27,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),動筆!,下焦主,分別清濁,、排泄尿液與大便 (實指腎、小腸、大腸、膀胱的功能),以上生理功能均具有向下、向外排泄的特點故稱「下焦如瀆」。,The lower warmer,separates clear fluid from turbid fluid,and discharges urine and stool, (referring to, in fact, the functions of the kidney, the small in
32、testine, the large intestine and the urinary bladder). These two physiological functions mentioned above are characterized by excreting wastes downwards and outwards. It is said that the lower warmer works like gutters, to filter and drain off waste and superfluous water.,,,三焦the Triple Warmer (San
33、jiao),28,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),三焦的這些生理功能,實際上是體內各臟腑功能的總合。,In fact, all these physiological functions of the triple warmer are the sum total of the activities of all the viscera and bowels in the body.,在病理上,上、中、下三焦異常所出現的,病證,,實際上也是各部位臟腑功能的異常表現。,Pathologically, diseases (,disease patterns,) due
34、 to an abnormality of upper, or middle, or lower warmer are manifestations of dysfunctions of the viscera or bowels within it.,,,三焦the Triple Warmer (Sanjiao),29,肺與脾 The relationship between the lung and the spleen,Physiologically, two aspects are involved in the relationship between the lung and t
35、he spleen.,The lung and the spleen are physiologically related in two ways.,One is the production of the pectoral qi.,The lung is responsible for inhaling fresh air and the spleen for absorbing food nutrients through transportation and transformation.,The accumulation of the fresh air and food nutri
36、ents in the chest eventually transforms into the pectoral qi.,,,肺與脾 The relationship between t,30,肺與脾 The relationship between the lung and the spleen,Thus the normal function of the lung and the spleen are prerequisite to sufficient production of the pectoral qi.,Normal functioning of the lung and
37、the spleen are thus essential for sufficient production of (the) pectoral qi.,Sufficient production of (the) pectoral qi depends on the normal functioning of the lung and the spleen.,The other is the metabolism of fluid.,The other involves the metabolism of fluid.,,,肺與脾 The relationship between t,31
38、,肺與脾 The relationship between the lung and the spleen,The spleen absorbs and transports water and the lung distributes water to all parts of the body, both of which are important to the metabolism of water.,The spleen and the lung are of vital importance in fluid metabolism since water is absorbed a
39、nd transported by the spleen and distributed to all parts of the body by the lung.,,,肺與脾 The relationship between t,32,肺與脾 The relationship between the lung and the spleen,If deficiency of spleen-qi or insufficiency of lung-qi affects the production of the pectoral qi, it will lead to shortness of b
40、reath, no desire to speak, chest oppression, poor appetite and loose stool.,If deficiency of spleen-qi or lung-qi affects the production of (the) pectoral qi, it will lead to shortness of breath, reluctance to speak, chest distrest, poor appetite and loose stool.,If it affects the metabolism of fluid, it will bring on cough,,asthma*,,profuse phlegm, edema and oliguria.,If fluid metabolism is affected, cough and panting, excessive phlegm, edema and oliguria would be resulted.,,,肺與脾 The relationship between t,33,THANK YOU,,,,THANK YOU,34,
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